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We join God in His work of forming people into biblically functioning followers of Jesus Christ. We are deeply committed to:


  •  Teaching the Word of God in order to cultivate the following values: to promote life change and spiritual maturity.

  •  Building and strengthening our relationships with believers in order to produce a close-knit family that mirrors  God's love            

  •  Holding dear the corporate and individual practice of prayer as an essential spiritual discipline.

  •  Celebrating worship that is both biblical and relevant through the use of music and creative arts.

  •  Participating in the task of proclaiming the Gospel to the nations through sending and supporting                        missionaries and personal evangelism


Our primary mission stems from God's desire for all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (2 Timothy 2:4).

Our corporate mission is to glorify God by reaching non-believing people with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, connecting them to the community of believers, and nurturing them in the Christian faith so that they may be able to serve in the ministry and honor God in their life.

As our practical vision, we seek to bring glory to God by making Him known in the DFW Metroplex through the presence of a godly and bible-believing community.

We seek to participate continually in strategic attempts to proclaim the Gospel here in the DFW Metroplex and to all the nations. We seek to build a dynamic community of believers who love the Lord Jesus Christ and honor Him in their life.

We seek to teach faithfully the Scriptures as God's word and as the normative standard for the believer's faith and practice with a view to helping them grow in their Christian life.


We seek to equip believers through the discovery and enhancement of their spiritual gifts for the purpose of enabling them to take part in the work of the ministry.

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